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Our product line

Our production team started from the recipes of the Mediterranean tradition and, through the advice of:

Agri-food, nutrition and haute cuisine specialists,

creates every year new products that reflect the needs of the most innovative food plans.

Each of our products is composed of natural ingredients and has excellent nutritional values, useful for a healthy and correct diet.

We work every day in contact with the earth and the processing phase takes place in full respect of nature and its fruit.

"Our challenge is to create high quality
products, through traditional processing and, at the same time,
giving life to a decidedly innovative finished product useful in the Mediterranean diet "

[Antonella Alfonso, CEO of Ganto]

" La nostra sfida è creare prodotti di alta qualità che siano in grado di essere un tributo all'autenticità e alla tradizione della nostra Puglia. Un lavoro lento e manuale che è in grado di lasciare intatto il gusto secolare della tradizione."

Antonella Alfonso

Mediterranean flavor

Learn more

Dried figs from Puglia

Slowly dried under the sun of Puglia, Ganto products follow a process of cultivation, harvesting and elaboration in full respect of tradition and nature.

100% Natural products in eco-sustainable packaging

"We want to bring a ray of sunshine, a Mediterranean moment, the flavor of Puglia to your tables"

[Antonella Alfonso, CEO of GANTO]

Learn more

Cultivation and Harvesting

100% di Puglia

GPS: https://bit.ly/3zBa9NZ

Ammnistrazione: info@ganto.it

Uff. Comm. : sales@ganto.it

Uff. Marketing e Comunicazione: marketing@ganto.it


Via per Torricella, ZI, 74022 Fragagnano TA